1998 Reunion
Have some pictures of "back in the day" that you can scan? Then send them
to medevac2@15thmedbnassociation.org and we'll see about getting them added
to this photos page so other can enjoy them.

1998 Business Meeting Minutes
The first business meeting of the Medevac Association was convened on 18
Apr, 1998 in Franklin, VA. Nomination for officers were opened with the
following individuals elected to the following positions,
President Sherman Breeden
Vice President Mark Holladay
Secretary Ron
Treasurer Jim Ferguson
Master of Arms Mike Smith
Larry Ash
Photographer Dan Brady
Reunion Chairman John Tabor
A discussion followed on the location and dates for the next reunion- After
a lively discussion, Las Vegas, NV was selected with the dates of the first
weekend in May being the recurring dates for the reunion- The next reunion
with be held 1-2 May 99. A discussion of bulk vs. individual purchases of
T-shirts pins, etc followed. The decision on what to do was left to the
desecration of the President. The subject of dues was brought up. A motion
was made by Tom Campbell that the dues should be $20 per person. The motion
was seconded by Tom Trifiro and passed. The Association's bylaws will be
drafted and published on the Web site until the next reunion where they will
be discussed and voted on-
Submitted by
Ron (HUEY) Huether

Mike Smith, Tom Campbell, Jim Ferguson, Dillard Carter and Doc