2005 Reunion

Have some pictures of "back in the day" that you can scan? Then send them to medevac2@15thmedbnassociation.org and we'll see about getting them added to this photos page so other can enjoy them.


President — Murray Gibbs
Vice President — Jim Calibro
Treasurer— Robert McKinney
Alt Replacement— Richard "Tiny" Mellon


Secretary — Maurice "Corky Walsh
Database Operator Webmaster — John Crespi
Search Coordinator — Norm Roberge
Reunion Coordinator - Jim Calibro
Historians — Art Martin. Paul Troop & Tim Kirwan
Other appointments may be made at the President's discretion.

15th Med Association
Minutes — 2005 Meeting
Killeen, Texas

Nominations were opened for the 2005-2006 Officers.

Jim Calibro nominated Mike Smith for Alternate Replacement and Paul Troop 2nd the nomination. The members present voted unanimously.

President Gibbs nominated Bob McKinley for a 3rd term as Treasurer. Mike Smith 2nd the motion and the members present voted unanimously,

President Gibbs nominated Jim Callbro for a 2nd term as Vice President. Tim Kirwan 2nd the motion and all members present voted unanimously.

Bob McKinley nominated President Murray Gibbs for a 3rd term, which was 2nd by Mike Smith. Murray was elected unanimously.

President Gibbs appointed Maurice "Corky" Walsh as Secretary.

President Gibbs also made the following appointments:

Search Coordinator — Norm Roberge
Database/Web Master — John Crespi
Historians — Tim Kirwan, Art Martin, Paul Troop

John Crespi volunteered to work on the following three projects:

  1. Reproduce the Old Medevac Patch
  2. Check into the cost of a "Challenge Coin" 15th Med./Medevac
  3. Research the history of the 15t Medevac Squad by mailing letters to other organizations.

The meeting was concluded until the 2006 Reunion Meeting in Reno, NV.

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