2016 Reunion
Have some pictures of "back in the day" that you can scan? Then send them
MY E-MAIL and we'll see about getting them added to this photos page so other can enjoy them.

Front row:
Larry Hatch, Art Martin, Leo Williams, Bob McKinley, Bill Haistings, Jim Calibro, Richard Schroder, Randy Cavanaugh,
Clyde Moore
Subsequent rows:
Rudy Peden, Tom Grove, Larry Silvey, Jim Victor, Randy Burkhart, Dennis Guthrie, Rich Leonard, Barry Brown, Larry
Norris, Jim Hall, Dave Huser, Damien Vierra, , Jim Ong, Ken Colby, Jim Fergusen, Mike Smith, Terry McCarl, Richard
Medlock, Jon Lundquist, Ron (HUEY) Huether, Fred McKeller, Ron Ingram, Henry Land, Ken Moro
L to R: Joan Leonard, Linn Vercheski, Vickie Peden, Dianne Guthrie, Barb Colby, Billie Norris,
Lana Brown, Cindy Lundquist, Susan Huether, Connie Medlock, Nora McKeller, Yolanda Martin. Velma Smith, Holly
Calibro, Marlene Ingram, Patsy Silvey, Judy Miller, Patricia Shroder, Peggy Steele
2016 15th Med BN Assn. Reunion
The 15th Medical BN Assn. 2016
Reunion was held in Olympia, WA, April 11-16. Reunion Coordinator (and now
new Assn. President) Larry Hatch began planning for the reunion immediately
after the 2015 Reunion in Boise, ID, put together an incredible program, and
publicized the reunion widely in periodicals of interest to Veterans
including the 1st Cavalry Division Newspaper (SABER), and the 15th Med BN
Association's new Web site, www.15thmedbnassociation.org.
The turnout
was incredible! A total of 42 veterans attended; along with spouses, family,
and guests, over 80 people from 21 states were there! For many veterans,
this was their first reunion , and many had not attended for many years.
The Red Lion Hotel is a superb reunion/convention facility with a
spectacular view of Capitol Lake and the Washington State Capitol. Rooms
were spacious and luxurious for a daily group rate of only $94/ night. A
free hot breakfast was available for guests every morning. Service to guests
in all areas was outstanding.
There was never a dull moment at the
reunion. When participants were not on one of the tours or at a meeting, or
group dinner, they could always go to the Hospitality Room and visit with
old friends and make new ones.
Tours included the Museum of Flight at
Boeing Field (85 historic air and spacecraft), the LeMay Family Auto
Collection (over 2,500 vintage cars, trucks and other vehicles), , NW
Helicopters ( 200, 000 SF of hangar space filled with helicopters) , and the
Olympic Flight Museum (historic rotary and fixed-wing aircraft and other
flight memorabilia).
There was a group dinner Tuesday-Saturday
evening, with a Banquet Barbeque Dinner on Friday night with music by an
outstanding group, the Oly Mountain Boys bluegrass band.
A Saturday
auction of donated items raised almost $3,000 for the Assn. The auction
lived up to its reputation as being fun and lively.
Some review
comments by participants were :"We had a blast" "Never seen such a fun
auction at reunions" "Fantastic reunion," "BBQ banquet and entertainment
fantastic" "Tour options great."
Even the Red Lion Hotel Staff said, "We
never had such a fun group in attendance!"
The 2017 Reunion will be
held in Branson, MO. Dates will be established soon. Visit the Association's
Web site at www.15thmedbnassociation.org for details. Make plans to attend
for a fantastic time.
Quoting Larry Ash, Medevac Door Gunner, 70-71,
who was unable to attend the reunion for health reasons, “Only a very
special event in one's life can continue to bring so many together so long
afterwards. "So that others may live...." That pretty well sums up the 15th
Medical BN Assn. Reunions!