2018 Reunion
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The 15th Medical BN Association 20-Year
Anniversary Reunion held in Williamsburg, VA 26-28 April 2018 was a real
“Barn Burner!” Reunion Coordinator, Dan “Fang” Toothman deserves
congratulations for planning and executing a truly outstanding and memorable
The Great Wolf Lodge, which sold out all 40
suites reserved for reunion attendees, did a first-rate job of hosting our
group. The suites were spacious and luxurious, and affordable. The
Hospitality Room/Meeting Room and the Banquet Room were outstanding, as was
the banquet buffet dinner.
Forty-seven 15th Med Bn veterans attended the
reunion tying the record of 47 set at the 2017 reunion in Branson, MO. There
also were 56 spouses and guests, four which were guest veterans from other
1st Cavalry Division units. Including guest speaker Phil Marshall, a total
of 104 attended, shattering the total attendance of 86 set at the 2017
Thursday evening the group activity was
attending the Virginia International Tattoo at Scope Arena in Norfolk, VA
with our 37 attendees having their own seating section. The performance
consisted of more than 1,000 performers from around the world, in an
astounding display of inspirational military music, majestic massed pipes
and drums, show-stopping drill team maneuvers, colorful dancers, choirs, and
more; continuous entertainment for two-and-a-half hours! Attendees agreed it
was the most spectacular performance of its type they had ever experienced.
The performance centered around a salute to
Medal of Honor recipients. Nine living Medal of Honor recipients were
present, including two from the 1st Cavalry Division; MAJ Bruce P. Crandall
(A Co., 229th Assault Helicopter Bn), and 1LT Walter Joseph Marm (A Co.,
1/7th Cavalry), both for actions in the Ia Drang Valley on 14 November 1965.
While at the Virginia International Tattoo, one
of our members was involved in a medical emergency. Tom Garnella, 1st LT MSC
who was the Medical Operations Assistant at Co. B, 02/70-02/71, and his wife
Audrey were attending the performance and while waiting for the program to
begin, Tom went to the general entry area to get a bottle of water. He
observed a gentlemen in a motorized wheelchair who had collapsed and was
bent over with his head down toward his ankles. The entering crowd seemed
oblivious to his situation.
In the finest “So That Others May Live”
tradition of the 15th Med Bn, Tom immediately took charge of the situation
and with another younger man rushed to the gentleman's side to render aid.
The gentleman was non-responsive, had a weak pulse, and losing color. While
the other fellow stayed with him, Tom went and told the ticket takers that
immediate medical aid was needed. Medical personnel with a stethoscope,
blood pressure cuff and Ambu bag arrived within about five minutes. At this
point, Tom urged them to call for 911 service. Emergency Medical Service
arrived about 10 minutes later. Due to the gallant efforts of Tom the man
received necessary medical treatment quickly.
Four veterans from other 1st Cavalry Division
units attended this reunion and expressed their gratitude to the 15th
Medical Battalion for the Medevac rescue and medical treatment they received
at 15th Medical Bn facilities.
Medevac picked up
Stuart Olson, Ronald Doll and Tony Manetta, B Company, 2nd of the 8th
Cavalry and taken to the 15th Med Bn Clearing Station at FSB Mace on 8 Feb
71. Two crewmembers involved in that mission were present at the reunion -
Ron (Baby Huey) Huether and Jim (Ferg) Ferguson. At the banquet Ron Doll
expressed appreciation on behalf of his group. For an
account of this
mission, see the War Story “Snipers in Box Canyon” in our War Story section.
On 28 June 1971 Carter “Curley” Bowman, 34th
Scout Dog Platoon (attached to B Co., 2nd of the 8th Cav) and others were
medevaced to the same 15th Med Bn Clearing Station at LZ Mace. Crewmembers
involved in his rescue attending this reunion were Mark Holiday and Kevin
At the Business Meeting on Saturday morning, a
surprise was in the offing for Rich Leonard, CW2, Medevac Pilot, 69-70,
whose signature attire at reunions (and presumably other places as well) is
bib overalls. Nine fellow members showed up for the meeting wearing bib
overalls. Those members were: Dan Toothman, Fred McKellar, Mike Smith, Jimmy
Ong, Jim Ferguson, Leo Williams, Rich Leonard, Damien Vierra, Kevin Raftery,
Henry Land.

The banquet was an outstanding buffet dinner
featuring chicken and BBQ ribs plus a large selection of salad, vegetables,
fresh bread, and desserts.
The banquet speaker was Phil Marshal, who
served as an Army Warrant Officer helicopter pilot in 1969 with the 237th
Medical Detachment Helicopter Ambulance in Vietnam. Phil's speech was highly
informative and entertaining, as he has "been there and done that!" Phil has
authored nine books, each of which is a compilation of accounts of Vietnam
helicopter rescue missions as told by the men who flew them while assigned
to the 1st Cavalry Division, 44th Med Brigade, or 101st Airborne Division.
Phil's books are : Dustoff and Medevac Vietnam; DMZ Dustoff Vietnam; and
Helicopter Rescues Vietnam Vols. I-VII (available on Amazon.com, search
under “Books” for Phil Marshall).
Corky Walsh read the names of the 45 15th
Medical Bn members killed in action during the Vietnam War.
Following the banquet, several awards were
presented. The following Charter Members/ 1st Reunion Attendees were
recognized at the banquet: Barry Brown, Jim Ferguson, Ron Huether, Mark
Holiday, Bob McKinley, Jimmy Norris, Mike Smith and Corky Walsh. Mike Smith
presented some memories of the first reunion including a tribute to Sherman
and Ann Breeden for hosting the 1998 Reunion.
Following the banquet, Auxiliary President
Velma Smith presented the Auxiliary Angel of the Year Award to Yolande
Martin for her care of her late husband, Arthur Martin, who died 5 August
2017, making sure he was able to attend the last few reunions in spite of
his health.
Velma also presented Linn Vercheski a thank you
card for all the work she does with name tags, printing of programs for the
banquet, and agendas for the members business meeting, and also a thank you
card and coffee mug to Cindy Lundquist for all her work throughout the year
mailing birthday, sympathy, get well, and anniversary cards.
Secretary and Past President, Jim Calibro broke
his neck last year shortly before the 2017 reunion in Branson, MO. As a
result, he was unable to attend the Branson Reunion and turned the Secretary
duties over to Bob McKinley temporarily. After the banquet, outgoing
President Fred McKellar welcomed Jim back as Secretary and awarded him a
“Door Gunner” T-shirt and his wife and caregiver Holly a special “Don’t
confuse your rank with my authority” t-shirt.
The reunion closed with the fund-raising
auction of items donated to the Association. Jim Calibro served as
auctioneer, assisted by Mark Holiday, and as usual it was a lively and fun
event! The amount collected was about $2820.

Tony Manetta's Tribute Hummer

Tony Manetta's Tribute Hummer

Tony Manetta's Tribute Hummer

Tony Manetta's Tribute Hummer

Tony Manetta's
Tribute Hummer