War Stories 5
Enjoy the stories in this section. Some of them may even have been true!! Have a favorite war story you've been relating over the years? Well sit down
and shoot us a draft of it. Don't worry, we'll do our best to correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling before we publish it. to us and we'll publish them for all to enjoy.

The Medevac Standby and the LAW
By Ron (HUEY) Huether
Occupations such as air crewmembers, firefighters, and Emergency
Medical Service (EMS) crews have hours and hours of boredom punctuated with a
few minutes of stark terror. So, it was with my 23-years of flying air ambulance
helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft.

Medevac 2 (Baby Huey)
My assignment during the 1st Cavalry Division's incursion into
Cambodia in 1970 was to sit just inside Vietnam next to an Army of Vietnam
(ARVN) compound at Tin Yon. Having we "non-snake eaters" stationed just
inside Vietnam afforded President Nixon at least partial truth to his
statements that the United States had no ground troops in Cambodia.
And so, it was that as the sun rose to its apex,
my crew became ever increasingly bored. The first break in the boredom was
when my crew chief challenged me to a game of Knock the Tree Over. We both
had M-79 grenade launchers with sawed-off stocks and forward sights making
the weapon one huge handgun with a two-and-a-half-inch diameter barrel
capable of firing grenade size bullets way, way out there.
We picked out a lone tree with a northerly slouch some thousand feet
away, sat on the left side of my medevac aircraft and began taking alternating
turns at lobbing a round downrange at our, obviously Viet Cong, tree. After a
dozen attempts (or so), one of us won, and the poor tree went crashing into the
dusty soil of the great Republic we had pledged to protect.

ARVN compound at Tin Yon.
Another hour passes when my medic comes running
toward the aircraft in a greatly excited state announcing he found a cache
of ammunition that was stuffed down a hole in the dirt not more than 500
feet from our air ambulance helicopter. As the crew ran off with him to this
hole (not one of us ever considered the idea it might all be booby-trapped),
I stayed behind to "hold down the fort" and add some dignity to an otherwise
dusty afternoon medevac standby.
Shortly, my crew chief, medic, door gunner, and
copilot come back with arms full of every conceivable ammunition used by the
United States soldier. There were M-16 rifle bullets, M-60 machine gun
linked ammunition, some M-79 grenade launcher rounds, and…and TWO Light
Anti-tank Weapons (LAW).
Now, for you peace-loving folks, or you air force warriors that have
never gotten dusted with rotor wash every day, the LAW is the updated version of
the World War II bazooka. The LAW is constructed of fiberglass, lightweight,
collapsible, and meant to be fired only once and discarded. Ah, but there was a
problem with our newly found booty of anti-tank weapons - they were caked in mud
and dirt.

M-79 Light Anti-tank Weapon (LAW)
Having seen many John Wayne movies where the bad
guy gets the drop on the Duke only to try and dispatch of our hero with a
muddy six-shooter that blows up in his hand, none of us were brave enough to
extend the LAW to the firing position and pull the trigger. Besides, we were
medics and didn't know how to do it anyway.
Over comes the crew chief with the exceptionally
bright idea that we put the two LAWs downrange by a poor blown-up tree and
shoot at them with our M-60 machine gun until they explode. Of course, we'd
take turns and the winner would be the air ambulance crewmember making the
"kill" shot.
And so it was, that hot afternoon on the
Cambodian border, that the crew of Medevac 2 started taking turns shooting
at two pieces of weaponry designed with such destructive force that they
could (each) knock out a tank. After much backslapping and kidding about who
was the worst marksman, our door gunner climbs into the "hell hole" seat on
the left side. Now comfortably sitting in a slightly more than
half-million-dollar, 1st Cavalry Division air ambulance helicopter and
commences to fire with such accuracy that we all stood in awe…for the first
15 seconds.
You see, it was at that moment that one of our
gunner's machine gun rounds ignited the motor of one of the LAWs, and the
damned thing started shooting across the dirt like an air-filled balloon let
loose. As we stood, frozen in place, the LAW round skittered across the
ground away from us and the aircraft. Of course, that only lasted about five
seconds (a lifetime if you were there) when it hit a dirt clod and turned on
a straight course toward our beloved Huey helicopter ambulance…AND us!
As if rehearsed previously, my whole crew yelled
in unison, "RUN!!" In those tenths of seconds that flash through your mind
just before meeting your Creator, I could only think of how I was going to
explain the loss of a half-million-dollar air ambulance to my commander. But
the Creator was in a jovial mood that day and made the anti-tank round hit
another dirt clod just before impacting our helicopter. The dirt clod
diverted the high explosive round toward a tree line where another
Vietnamese tree unhesitatingly gave its life in a valiant effort at saving
me from a court-martial.
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Some Thoughts About LTC Turner
By Randy Brewer
On July 24th, we received a call for a hoist
mission. My ship was MEDEVAC 458, and Art Jacobs was Aircraft Commander
(A/C). On the first attempt to get the patient, our helicopter was severely
shot up. We returned, got another aircraft, returned to the location, and
were shot up again. I was crew chief on the first two aircraft.”
“The third ship had its assigned crew chief,
returned to the pick-up location, and was shot down. We had no more
aircraft. Platoon Leader MAJ Dorris Goodman got a ship out of maintenance
for a one-time flight - he was A/C, CWO Magin was co-pilot, I was crew
chief, can’t remember the gunner.”

COL Turner
As we lifted off, I felt the ship rock, looked up and there sat LTC
Turner. I (a lonely SP5) said, ‘Colonel, you can’t go on this one, we may not
come back.’ He replied, ‘I am TOO going!’ Goodman lifted off, saying we had no
time to argue. We still had radio contact with the downed aircraft. I saw yellow
smoke at 9:00 o’clock, which was confirmed. Goodman began to set up his
approach, and I noticed Turner was unarmed. I knew Jacobs was injured, and
Turner would have to leave the aircraft. We had no idea where or how many NVA
were in the area. I gave him my unauthorized Colt .45 & two magazines, and then
I unwrapped my precious M-79 from my field jacket (court-martial offense - but I
wasn’t about to send my CO out unarmed) loaded it with a canister round, showed
him the safety, gave him three more rounds. Goodman came in like the proverbial
bat out of hell, flared and landed. LTC Turner ran for CWO Jacobs, who was shot
in the arm, grabbed him under one arm and brought him back to the ship, the rest
of the crew came running with guns, ammo, and radios, and we di-di-mao’d the AO
post haste. LTC Turner unloaded the M-79 and returned it, and my .45, with a
grin and a ‘Thank you.’ Never said another word about it. The downed aircraft
had to be destroyed by artillery and napalm.
Helicopter 458 was so badly shot up it was sent
back to the states, and I got a ‘new’ rebuilt ‘H’ model; MEDEVAC 578. Since
I was getting ‘short,’ it was decided to keep 578 at Evans for VIP missions,
so I had the privilege of flying with our new CO quite a bit. What a great
guy- 180 degrees better than the last CO. When we went somewhere on a VIP
mission, he gave the pilots money for lunch for them and the crew too. He
treated us so well we found it hard to believe after the CO before. I took
quite a few photos of him- enclosing what I consider the best. 578
eventually had to be sent to LZ Jane, and I went with it until my last two
days in-country. I’ll never forget the courage, honor, and compassion LTC
Turner had for ‘his’ men. He was indeed a man among men.
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